Photo of Anisa Price

Anisa Price

RSMU: Honorary Secretary

Hi, my name is Anisa. I am a 2nd Year Geology student and would love to be your Honorary Secretary for 2024-2025!

I have spent the last two years helping around the department as a Wellbeing Rep and believe it is time to step up and help with running the department in the executive commitee. I believe that my skills of communication and organisation which I have shown during my time as a Wellbeing Rep make me a perfect candidate for HonSec. My willingness to help people in both a social and academic capacity make me the ideal person to aid our next President.

If I were to be voted into this role I would prioritise:

  • providing ideas for strengthening the social ties between Materials and ESE. This is incredibly important as it will result in more successful RSMU events for both parties.
  • using my friendly nature to foster great communication between all committee members and relevant faculty members.
  • continuing the strong relationship between the RSMU and RSMA via social/networking events. Maintaining this relationship is essential to help current students gain any advice and guidance they require.
  • ensuring a clear communicative structure between committee members.

Voting for me would give me the opportunity to give back to the community who has given me so many opportunities and allow me to help continue the positive environment we have within the RSM! As always, if anyone has any questions do not hesitate to throw them my way :).