Photo of Sean Li

Sean Li

ICSMSU: Executive Treasurer

Hi, my name is Sean Li and I’m a 5th year medic. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time serving the ICSM community in the past years and hence I am running for Executive Treasurer this year. I have had extensive experience over several large committees with finances and I look forward to taking on a leadership role on the SU executive committee.

My time at the medical school has been filled with events organised by the student body of ICSM. It would be my pleasure to continue my contribution to our community. My administrative and management skills gained from being on the exec committees of HWD, Rugby, RAG, STFYD and SU Management Group Treasurer prepare me well for this role. It will allow me to guide the whole committee efficiently and support them with their endeavours throughout the year, and reach new heights with them.

There are a few things that I would like to achieve during my time as ExecTres:

1. The younger years in ICSM are the future leaders of the medical school - I will aim to provide more active guidance to new/younger committee members on the SU.

2. The bursary funds available at ICSM have enabled and enriched student experiences. I intend to uphold and lobby for more funds being allocated to the cause so more students can benefit.

3. I intend to work diligently with the Alumni association and build a strong relationship with their amalgamation so future years of ICSM can benefit from these resources.