Photo of Daniel Zhuo

Daniel Zhuo

CGCU: President

Hi Everyone,

I’m Daniel, your current CGCU President. I am running for re-election to continue dedicating my best efforts and to apply the valuable experiences of leading CGCU this year to enhance your student life and ensure the continuity of achieving CGCU’s aims. Seeking re-election for me is not about holding this title—I want to run because I am passionate about seeing both you and CGCU thrive.

You may have noticed me bustling about, organizing exciting events and fulfilling my promises. This year, I've guided CGCU to:

  • Strengthen ties with CGCU and OCTrust through multiple events, aiming to provide our students with career advice and scholarship opportunities.
  • Collaborate with organizations like IET and AMF1, offering our students industry insights and opportunities.
  • Host events promoting diversity, such as the International Snack Adventure, promoting a more inclusive culture.
  • Collaborate with CSP and actively support CSP initiatives.
  • Launch multiple welfare stalls offering free breakfasts and sanitary products, addressing our students’ needs.

Moving forward, I want to:

  • Introduce CGCU Hardship Funding to ensure all students can participate in our events.
  • Expand welfare/academic initiatives to support our students both academically and personally.
  • Promote CGCU Pride by upholding our mascot tradition, fostering unity and community spirit.

With my experience in Union systems, stand ready for a smooth transition. Together, we can make CGCU more vibrant, inclusive, and opportunity-rich. I hope we can collectively leap towards our most ambitious vision yet. Thank you for your continued trust and consideration.