Photo of Lilia Evans

Lilia Evans

ICSMSU: President

My name is Lilia, a 4th year medical student seeking to serve as your next ICSMSU President. I have benefitted greatly from this community and now wish to give back by enhancing the student experience.

Over the past 2 years, I have immersed myself in ICSMSU, furnishing me with a comprehensive understanding of all 23 volunteer positions and their responsibilities. My current position as ICSMSU Welfare Chair has provided invaluable leadership experience navigating complex decisions. Furthermore, my deep involvement in clubs and societies has enabled me to hone teamwork and management skills while guiding younger students.

I have 4 main aims:

  1. Student Representation - Sustain strong student representation by ensuring the student voice consistently informs faculty meetings, clear communication of outcomnes and actively soliciting diverse perspectives to shape inclusive decision-making.
  2. Expanding Financial Accessibility - Enhancing financial accessibility by partnering with faculty for funding support, strengthening alumni relationships and commmunication for fundraising/sponsorships and collaborating with networks to lift financial burdens and increase student participation in ICSM life.
  3. Fostering Inclusivity & Equity - Cultivate an inclusive environment via robust EDI & WP initiatives, amplifying underrepresented voices with inter & intra-medical school collaboration.
  4. Building a Supportive & Competent SU - Facilitate inter-officer learning and establishing SU core values emphasizing inclusivity and student representation.

Our SU is already immensely accomplished, and I intend to further that legacy by championing an inclusive SU representing all students. Let's work together to make this SU one that stands for positive change and progress.

Check out my Instagram @liliaheartpres for campaign updates!